Visit us at Medica 2022, hall 3/A92 and celebrate with us BioVendor Group‘s 30th anniversary!
The whole world of medical care will meet in Düsseldorf at Medica 2022. We cannot miss this important moment of the year to share our innovative technology for laboratory medicine!
Our booth A92 in Hall 3 is a place where you can explore BioVendor innovative key projects. Come to see our growing CLIA portfolio of parameters or Microblot Array, multiplex diagnostics in microtiter plate format. Discover with us fastGEN, a new technology for examination of the mutation status of oncomarkers and explore microRNA, a complex solution for short RNA biomarkers.
We look forward to meeting you in Düsseldorf!
START: 14 \ 11 \ 2022
END: 17 \ 11 \ 2022
Düsseldorf, Germany
More information: www.medica-tradefair.com
Contact us: Barbora Vraná, Email: vrana@biovendor.cz